The action of HSPN about “The prevention of forest fires is the only way. Both students and citizens are getting informed and start taking action”, was implemented during the period of February to July 2022 in Ilia. This new action of HSPF was supported by Eurobank during the year 2022, in the framework of the Bank’s initiative about the forest restoration and protection of the Antient Olympia area, after the fire of August 2021.
The HSPF action had 3 pillars aiming at the targeted information and the lived experience of citizens, teachers and institutions of the wider region:
– Online training seminar about this topic, the audience consisted of Primary and Secondary Education teachers of Ilia Region. The seminar was held by the HSPN in collaboration with the PEKES of Western Greece, the Directorates of Primary and Secondary Education of the Ilia Region, and the KPE of Krestena.
– An open informative workshop for the institutions and the citizens of Ilia. It was organized at the Training Center for the Environment and Sustainability (KEPEA) of HSPN WEBSITE Krestena, on Friday, 13 th of May 2022, in which representatives of the local community, the local governmental institutions, the forest services and the fire agencies were all present.
– Actions to clean up waste irrelevant to the forest ecosystem in the forests of Pholoi and Strofylia of Lake Caiaphas. The voluntary team of the HSPN and the employees of EUROBANK, together with their families, collected huge quantities of waste in both forest areas, with plastic, metal, paper and other materials being the largest volume of all waste collected. Our goal is to collect and remove as much waste and flammable materials as possible from the accumulated fuel material, which is one of the main causes of fires.
In these actions, the contributors are the driving force. We would like to warmly thank the local community, institutions, Directorates of Education and our supporters for their active contribution, as they sensitively respond to our calls and participate in initiatives about the environment.