Programme website:
International programe website:

Eco Schools
The world’s largest programme for the sustainable management of schools. It starts in the classroom, engages the school community in educational actions for sustainability, and extends to the local community.
The goal of the programme is to raise awareness, educate, and change the attitudes of students on environmental issues, through participatory processes in decision-making, planning, and implementing actions. The aim is for schools to become
communities of sustainable coexistence, both in educational and practical terms.
Students take active roles by participating in the Environmental Committee, which is the driving force behind the programme. At the same time, they are responsible for the implementation and application of the Environmental Action Plan and the Eco- Code, a set of environmental behavior rules, with the involvement of the entire school community. Finally, events and actions are organized in collaboration with local authorities, in order to connect with the local community and raise citizens’ awareness.
Schools that successfully complete the programme, carrying out actions for two consecutive years, are awarded the Green Flag, the internationally recognized symbol of sustainable management for educational institutions.
The network is approved by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs, and Sports.