International programe website:

Learning About Ecosystems and Forests
The programme focuses on studying the biodiversity of urban and suburban greenery and forests, promoting experiential educational approaches and outdoor education.
The goal of the programme is to raise awareness, educate, and change students’ behavior through hands-on activities in the classroom and in the field, on topics related to biodiversity in green spaces and forests.
Students become aware of the value of green spaces and forests as life refuges, as well as precious natural resources. They are informed about the problems arising from their destruction, environmental degradation, pollution, and climate change.
The programme encourages collaboration among students, teachers, parents, and the local community to achieve effective environmental action.
Schools participating in the network are also given the opportunity to collaborate with other schools in Greece or abroad and jointly implement their programme.
The participating schools can choose and carry out activities on various thematic topics, following the Pedagogical Cycle of the network..
The Network