HSPN participated as partner in the implementation of the 15-month project “Ancient Cities for Endemic Flora, From Apollo to Athena – A2A”, in the framework of the Programme Supporting Civil Society Dialogue Between EU and Turkey. Archaeological sites host important, often endemic and/or rare, species of local flora, which usually survive there because of the relative protection offered in relation to the surrounding, heavily developed areas. Such sites include Side in Antalya (Turkey), and the Acropolis Hill of Athens (Greece), each hosting local endemic and critically endangered plant species. The project aimed to inform archaeologists, botanists, naturalists and tourist guides about rare and endemic flora species in archaeological sites. The coordinating beneficiary is the “Association for the Conservation of Antalya Orchids and Biodiversity” (CAOB).
The project also created the “Virtual Garden” application, which is intended for mobile phones and other smart devices. The aim is to inform visitors to the archaeological sites, guides and staff about the local flora, through the provision of information and images.
By following the link here, you can download the app for Android software devices.
By following the link here, you can download the application for IOS software devices.