This FEE international Programme started in Greece in 1995. It involves schools of all educational levels. When a school has completed its Action Plan, it is evaluated by the appropriate committee and if the results are favourable it is awarded with a Green Flag.
The JOHN S. FAFALIOS FOUNDATION supported the Network during 2016-2018. We thank them warmly.
The Network has received the approval of the Ministry of Education,Research and Religious Affairs (Ministerial Decision Φ7/ΕΠ/60884/88845/Δ7/21-07-2021). Schools of all educational levels have the right to participate. 186 schools participated in the network on 2020-2021 throughout Greece and 508 schools have been awarded Green Flags since 1995.
The objective of the Programme is to change the behaviour of everyone within the school community so that the school will become a real "Eco School". This is achieved through the formulation and implementation of an "Ecocode" (a set of environmental behaviour standards), and the implementation of an Environmental Action Plan (which involves all the surrounding area of the school and its conversion into a clean, attractive, and friendly space).
In every school, students and teachers establish an Environmental Committee, which addresses issues of energy, waste, and water. (Later on they can deal with other subjects such as transport, healthy living, biodiversity, consumerism, etc.).
At the same time, the Committee oversees the implementation of the "Action Plan" and the "Ecocode" with the participation of the whole school community. Finally, in order to achieve links with the local community and ensure the raising of public awareness, the school organises activities and events in cooperation with the local government and authorities.
Educational material is provided for all subjects dealt with by the Network.
Once all the activities are completed, they are evaluated by the National Operator of the Programme and if a school is successful, it is awarded the title of "Eco School" and receives the green flag bearing the mark of the Program.
The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) is the International Coordinator.
The HSPN is the National Operator for Greece. It cooperates with the Secondary Education of B’ Area of Athens