The impact of climate change on our planet will be felt most by our youth and future generations.Their collective voice and their message are important and must be listened to by today's leaders in COP27.


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a few words on HSPN

TheHellenic Society for the Protection of Nature is the oldest national environmental Non Governmental Organisation in Greece, active continuously since its founding in 1951 for the conservation of our natural environment.

Its mission focuses onn direct actions and initiatives to increase awareness and participation of the public to insyre effective protection of our precious natural heritage,.

The HSPN participates in the five-year project “Restoration and improvement of Priority Habitat 9370* Palm groves of Phoenix - LIFE PHOENIX-”, which aims to improve the conservation status of Priority Habitat 9370* in the Gran Canaria Island and Crete.

In particular, it seeks:

- The development of an integrated strategy that will include mitigation of the main generic risks, such as drought, forest fires, overgrazing, visitor/anthropogenic pressures, hybridization.

- The restoration of naturally occurring palm trees through appropriate management techniques.

- The prevention and control of pests and IAS.

- The successful reforestation, environmental governance and awareness raising.

The intervention rational of LIFE PHOENIX is based on providing strategic conservation action lines for each of the threats identified in both countries, including a number of cross-cutting actions (e.g., habitat restoration and reforestation, governance, awareness raising) that will help to minimise several threats simultaneously.

The project is coordinated by the Spanish GESPLAN; co-beneficiaries include HSPN, the Ministry of Environment and Energy, the University of Crete, and Homeotech in Greece, and from Spain the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, the General Directorate of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Institute of Agricultural Research of the Canary Islands and the University of Las Palmas of the Canary Islands in Spain.

For more information visit the project website.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or of the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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HSPN compensates its CO2 emissions from travel through the Global Forest Fund (GFF).

HSPN compensates its CO2 emissions from travel through the Global Forest Fund (GFF).

GFF was established in 2008 by FEE to offset CO2 emissions from travel. This non-profit fund is managed under the Learning Αbout Forests (LEAF) programme, by its International Director.


1951-1952 Education about nature well before “Environmental Education”

1951-1952 Education about nature well before “Environmental Education”

From its very first meeting in 1951, the HSPN Board of Directors decided to promote, in cooperation with IUCN, the publication of informative material “… for the Greek Teacher with useful information concerning the protection of nature …” and send it to all the Primary and Secondary schools of the State.


The Cretan Ibex as emblem of the HSPN

The Cretan Ibex as emblem of the HSPN

From the very first issue of our bulletin, we adopted as the emblem of HSPN, the Cretan Ibex as depicted on a coin of Presos dating to the 4th century. The choice of “Agrimi”, as the Ibex is called in Crete, was not random. All Societies like ours have an emblem; a bird, an animal or a wild flower, among the most distinct in their region, among those considered as most endangered. The Cretan Ibex fulfils these criteria for us. An additional reason is that HSPN, even from its first steps, has striven for the conservation of this wonderful animal.


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Hellenic Society for the
Protection of Nature
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The Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature is an environmental non-governmental organization of Panhellenic range that has been active since 1951 for the protection of the Greek natural environment.
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